We are a full service




As a digital media studio company, we strategically employ audio-visual tools and concepts to create digital content for businesses, churches and individuals. We also help our clients, manage their online presence and grow their businesses.

We are also known to create “safe-to-consume” educational & entertainment contents

Branding & Strategy

Business Ideation
Identity Design
Package Design
Social Media Management

Digital Ads

Flyer Ads
Video Ads
Animated Ads
Social Media Ads

Website Development

Corporate & NGO Website
Business Website
Ecommerce Website
Blog & Forums

Video Production

Brand Videos
Product Demo Video
Corporate Training Video
Video Documentary

Education Media

Business Vlog
Academic Vlog
Skill & Talent Vlog
e-Learning LMS Portal

Church Media

Studio Setup
Equipment Sales
Media Training
Content Creation


To ensure our client’s goals are met with optimum satisfaction, we employ a strategic problem-solving approach, in which the client is carried along 








Our love and in-depth understanding of creative art, storytelling, and digital communication set us in the industry. With our experience working on demanding projects, we are up to the task you throw at us.

Our uniqueness also lies in the fact that we only create “safe-to-consume” digital content for our clients & the society

Our Portfolio

Our portfolio covers a vast range of domains: Brand Strategy Design, Website Development, Brand Video Production, Surgery Training Studio Design, among others


Zindara Stitches
Rising Bay Montessori
Relationship Platform
House of M&G
Spicing Guitar


By 2030, we hope to have worked with at least 500 brands, by disrupting the way business operations & growth are done in this data-driven generation

We also aim at producing 1000+ Courses, Tutorial, and Training Content for Businesses to thrive 

As the pioneer of the “1-million Safe-to-Consume” Content  Movement, we desire to train at least 500 content creators by 2030 

  • Brands

“I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me”

Psalm 101:3 (ESV)

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”

Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

“There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man, gave himself to pay for everyone to be free”

1 Timothy 2:5-6 (ERV)

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”

Romans 5:8 (NIV)

Put mental garbage into your mind and you will get garbage out of your life

Rick Warren

“Watch your mind diet, for it is the Invisible War Centre of one’s life”

Ehiobu Benjamin N.

Our Affiliates

In a bit to achieve our vision and meet our client’s needs optimally, we extend our services via our subsidiary brands


Media Chapel

Our Clients Say

I will recommend bAudPix Media anytime, any day. They handle their jobs with attention to detail and creativity

Madame Iyen

Director, Talentos Missions

I work in an industry where timing is critical, bAudPix is timely when it comes to delivery. I am glad to always be a return customer

Engr Roland Ogirigbo

Lead Consultant, TORS Engineering

I love my logo and brand name so much. When I started my business I didn’t know what to do,  but bAudPix was very instrumental in my branding. Thank you

Ms Chisom Winner

CEO, Hair Winner

Since I attended the “I Sabi Design” 2020 Bootcamp, I have been creating Flyers myself for my business. Thank you bAudPix for an exceptional training.

Mrs Oluchi Gift

Lead Designer, Starbell Apparel


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